Why Evangelize Jewish People?
The Church has a command to be a witness to EVERYONE. We often call this mandate, the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20). Jewish people and in particular “Israel” are included in the “all nations” that are to be reached. All nations means, all people groups, all ethnicities.
The Church also has a biblical protocol of missions which is to begin in Jerusalem, then go out to Judea (that is, the land of Judah), on outward to include Samaria (and we are still in Israel), then to the uttermost (Acts 1:8). However, Satan corrupted that mandate by deceit. “Jerusalem” came to be interpreted as the place where Christians live and gather on Sunday. Your home town is your Jerusalem. What? Think of the myriad Jerusalems that exists if we all adopt that contorted interpretation of Jerusalem. That demonic confusion was promoted by Rome and the Catholic church. Rome became the analogous new Jerusalem, the Papacy was interpreted as the new priesthood, and the Vatican became the new Temple. Baptists churches and others soon adopted the disregard for biblical prophecy and the preeminence of the geographical place, the Holy City, Jerusalem, and today your backyard if you are a Christian is your Jerusalem that you are to reach for Jesus (and the auditorium of your church is called the sanctuary).
Third, the Church has been given the biblical mandate of mission-izing the Jewish people. The Apostle Shaul/Paul in Romans 1:16 suggests that the power of the Gospel to all who believe, includes the Jews foremost.
Fourth, the Church being a witness to the Jewish people is (in a spiritual sort of way) a Prophetic Ministry. There has always been, there now is, and there will always be a remnant (Rom.11:25,26; Rev. 7:4-8; Zechariah13:9). Reaching the remnant is to bring those whom God has given to Yeshua into His sheepfold. Amen!
Fifth, the Church indwelt with the love of God and for love of God is always reaching out to those who are lost. The Jewish people are lost! There is no one, Jew or Gentile who is righteous. Not one soul will enter eternity in good standing due to the sanitation of their soul and body by their own good works. We are ALL dirty, unclean, filthy, nasty, wretched, demonized at birth with the adamic nature crouching at the door ready to have us, and WE MUST -JEW AND GENTILE- master it! (Romans 3:10). The Jewish people like everyone else have a salvific need. The only remedy is a new heart!
Finally, we can also say that witnessing to the Jewish people is a way (and it’s about time) to show our indebtedness and appreciation to them for spiritual things, in particular, the Gospel. This is biblical (Romans 15:27). The Apostle Shaul was soon to leave for Spain, and he was hopeful to ‘drop in’ on the believers in Rome, to enjoy their company and to be helped by them financially on his trek to Spain. But, at the moment Shaul was going to Jerusalem to help the saints there. Believers in Macedonia and Achaia had made contributions for the saints in Jerusalem who were destitute, and now Shaul writes in his letter to the Roman believers, that they as Gentile believers enjoying spiritual things, that is, the blessings from the Jews, are indebted to the Jewish believers, and should therefore minister back to them with physical things, that is, financial help!
Can you, beloved, think of any spiritual blessing that you are enjoying that came to you from the Jewish people? Do you feel any indebtedness to the Jewish people? Shaul inspired by the Holy Spirit of God says you are indebted! Read it, Romans 15:27.
· Salvation is of the Jews (John 4:22).
· The oracles and precepts of God are from the Jews (Romans 3:1,2). Every book in the bible was written by the Jews, with [maybe] the exception of Luke, but many consider him to be Jewish.
· The patriarchs, prophets, priests, kings, all twelve disciples were Jewish.
· The tree to which you are grafted is Jewish (Romans 11).
· The richness of the roots which bear you are Jewish (Romans 11:17).
· The new covenant that saves you is totally Jewish (READ Jeremiah 31:31).
Christianity is Jewish: the prophecies; the genealogy; Bethlehem, the first Church, the first missionaries, the authors of Holy Writ, YESHUA, the Messiah, the twelve disciples, even the kingdom where you are going is Jewish! Time to pay up, don’t you think? Please consider supporting CMI.
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