Tuesday, May 31, 2022


Are we certain that we are at the end of the year? Are we sure that on January 1, a new year begins? Is this in accordance to the Christian calendar? The Julian calendar? The Gregorian calendar? The Hebrew calendar? 

January 1 is devoid of any meaning on God’s calendar. God’s first month revealed to Israel occurs in the spring, and on the 14th day of His first month is Passover (Exodus 12:1-3). Why is today’s calender different? In 46 BC Julius Caesar gathered scholars, their genius derived heavily from Egyptian scholarship, and with the assistance of Sosigenes they corrected the calibrations of Meton of Greece. On January 1, 45 BC the Julian calendar began. This calendar measured a year as 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, and 45.51 seconds. The genius of this calculation was based on a measurement of the sun moving around the ecliptic or the earth around the sun. Their genius is incredibly mindboggling since this was the year 45 BC! Yet, their creation was satanic, for the calendar was based on the sun while God’s calendar is a lunar one.

The Hebrew word for month in the Tenakh or OT is chodesh and it means “moon.” God gave to Israel a 12-moon or month lunar calendar in correspondence to the twelve sons of Yaaqov (Jacob) and their twelve tribes which were and are to rule. Every moon (month) displayed the flag or banner of the corresponding tribe.

What is today called Virgo was a constellation of stars signifying a virgin and her child. Libra anciently displayed an altar (Acadian = Tulki) and revealed a cross, a victim, and a crown. Scorpio displayed the serpent assaulting man’s heel and man grasping the serpent. Sagittarius displayed a conqueror and the dragon cast down. Capricornus displayed the goat of atonement, the smitten one falling and the dead one rising. Aquarius displayed blessing and Pisces displayed the great enemy putting people in bondage. Aries displayed the captive delivered and the enemy bound. Taurus displayed the mighty one, the Messiah coming to rule. Gemini displayed the exalted redeemer, the glorious prince. Cancer displayed the sheepfold, and finally Leo is the great Lion that triumphs and signifies Messiah’s consummation. The messianic plan of God was first told by the stars to the patriarchs before it was written on papyrus, vellum, and paper to Israel. Of course, satan corrupted the Star Gospel!

YHWH added a thirteenth moon or month (Adar II) to periodically take up the accumulated slack between a sun year and the moon year. A moon year is short of a sun year by 10 days, 21 hours, and 9.51 seconds, so the insertion of the 13th month or moon every leap year more closely balances the equation.

The Christian year was begun by the early Christians who were Jews! They continued to keep their sabbath, but also observed the first day of the week for an assemblage of believers in Yeshua to celebrate His resurrection. There is no question that Sunday was the day believers met and remains by messianic tradition the day believers continue to meet and worship. Of course, there is no NT law that we must meet on a particular day. By the 4th century AD, Christian celebrations like Easter, Ascension Day, Epiphany, Christmas, and others came to be prominent on the “Christian” calendar. 

In AD 527 the monk Dionysus Exiguus rebelling against the pagan Roman calendar, marked off time by using the birth of Christ as the point of dating.  At first, A.C. meaning Ante Christum was used and soon became B.C. meaning before Christ. To measure years on this side of the birth of the Messiah, A.D. meaning anno Domini came to be used. Later, a secular initiative to disregard Yeshua as the center of dating, BCE (Before Common Era) and CE (Common Era) was used and is used today by those desiring to be recognized as scholars and academic writers. 

No other changes were made to the calendar until the period of the Renaissance when an astronomer named Copernicus influenced dating, based on his sun-centered calculation, correcting the ten days error of the Julian calendar. Pope Gregory XIII was stimulated by the reform and the Gregorian calendar became the norm and the name. 

In 1752, two hundred years later, England and then the American colonies adopted the Gregorian calendar. This is the calendar we still use today, 2021. In 1923 Russia authorized its adoption which officially took effect September 3, 1943.

God initiated time beginning with the “day.” The day was measured from evening until morning, since before God’s creation there was darkness of the face of the deep (Genesis 1:3). All was choshech (darkness). However, pagan Babylon measured a day from sunrise to sunrise. Today, we continue to measure our days as Babylonians, sunrise-sunset, and not as the Hebrews. 

After six days of creation God rested on the seventh day (Genesis 1). The seven days God made came to be designated as a week, and every seventh day of the week was a sabbath, but not to Adam, Seth, Enos, Canaan, Mahalalel, Jared, Enoch, Lamech, Noach, Shem, Avraham, Ytzack, Yaaqov or his dozen sons. The sabbath law was given only to Israel. 

The Jewish historian, Flavious Josephus tells that biblical astronomy was invented by Adam, Seth, and Khanoch (Enoch), yet biblical astronomy was corrupted by the time of the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11:4. The ziggurat of Bavel was apparently a star museum, with the signs of the Zodiac displayed at the top of the interior of the tower, information given to humans perhaps by the fallen watchers who distributed science that God had forbidden them to share (Book of Enoch). 

From Noah’s time (Genesis) until the days of Yochanon who penned the Revelation in AD 90 a biblical month was a total of thirty (30) days. To be more precise 29 days, 12 hours, 44 minutes, and 3 seconds was a month. The duty of the sun was to mark the boundaries for the day, which again was evening and morning. God intended His calendar of months, seasons, and years to be determined by the moon. Each month was established by the observation of the rise of the new moon which God designed to rise every 30 days. An announcement of the new moon was made by a blast of the shofar or ram’s horn, and even a feast was to be held by the Hebrews, the Feast of Rosh Chodesh, or “First Moon.” 

Our months today are not identical with the biblical moons/months because our calendar of days are in accordance to the solar year, not the lunar. We have 30-day months, 31-day months, and February often shifts its number. And, again, the distraction from the moon to the sun was a satanic ploy from God’s prescription. The Babylonians had their calendarers, as did the Greeks, the Romans, the Popes, the Chinese, the Mohammedans, Mussolini attempted to supplant the world-accepted calendar as did Adolf Hitler. 

As I write this, I think of the soon-to-occur festive all-night dinner, fireworks, clamor of “Happy New Year,” some toasting a serpent-in-a-glass (alcoholic drink), and many then driving home happy to begin a new year. WRONG! 

The new year does not begin until the season of Passover, and Passover always occurs on the first full-moon following the spring equinox. God’s calendar begins with spring.

January 1 is not the new year, and January is not the month of a new year. January was named after the pagan god Janurus,the pagan god of opening and shutting, the pagan god of beginnings. In fact, the name of all the months of the pagan solar year are pagan in origin, as are the festivals of the solar year and its months. The names nor the pagan celebrations honor our Lord God and His Son and Messiah, Yeshua. We should be looking to God’s beginnings, to the month of Passover, to the spring. We should be informed of God’s reckoning of time, His calendar, for it speaks intently of Yeshua (Luke 24:27,44) and His will be the calendar of the coming millennial kingdom. There will be NO January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, or December in the Kingdom of Yeshua!



FIRSTFRUITS: He Arose A Victor From the Dark Domain!

    The resurrection of Yeshua is the very heart of the Gospel. The resurrection of Yeshua is the hallmark of the WORD! The resurrection of Yeshua is the one truth upon which every other truth in the Holy Scriptures including salvation depends. If He had not risen, our hope would be in vain! Every law from the Torah, every messianic prophecy, every hope from the writings, and every principle of morality of how God wants us to live, even the truth that God exists, hinges on the resurrection of Yeshua!
    Can you take your Holy Scriptures this very moment in the middle of eternity and show someone [Jewish] that the resurrection of the Messiah was prophesied or foretold in the Tanakh or the Old Testament, and was fulfilled in Yeshua? If you cannot, it is unlikely you will convince them that Yeshua is Messiah. The Resurrection is the zenith power-point of His Gospel!
    How do we as believers answer the swoon theory, that Yeshua swooned and did not die but was helped out of the tomb and hidden? How do we answer the hallucination theory, that those who saw Him hallucinated they saw Him? How do we answer the objective vision theory, that Yeshua was raised, but not bodily, rather in spirit. After all, His ghost was encountered at Pentecost, Acts 2? Was His resurrection a bodily resurrection? Can you prove it? You must! I wrote this book to help you!
    Do we have historical facts and historical evidences of Yeshua’s resurrection, or are we preaching a blind leap of faith people must take to believe and be saved? Oy Vey! That’s a colossally lame excuse for believing. Natural man’s default faith is unbelief. We had better have more than a story passed down two millennia to cause someone who is spiritually lost to obtain eternal life. Are we not enlightened?What are the claims of the Prophets? What are the claims of biblical Judaism? What are the claims of those who encountered Him after He arose? What is the claim that Jerusalem has upon Yeshua? What is the claim of a congregation that has lasted over two thousand years? What claim does 1948 have on the resurrection of Yeshua? How much evidence do we have to preach the Gospel of Yeshua to Israel and cause blinded eyes to see. NO blind leap of faith for me. I preach the glorious light of the Gospel!
    Yeshua has risen! From where has He risen? Was He asleep for three days? He told the thief on the tree “today, you will be with me in paradise!” Where did they rendezvous? Matthew records in His Gospel that dead saints arose and walked through Jerusalem on First-Fruits (we call Easter). Who were they, but more interesting, where did they come from? Sheol? Paradise?Had they been asleep?
    In the Tanakh (OT) the witch of Endor performed a séance for Saul, and to her utter dismay Shmuel appeared. From where did Shmuel come and return? The netherworld?
    Yeshua raised Lazarus from the dead; did Lazarus return from heaven to earth? Didn’t Lazarus have to die again? Yeshua was indeed, as Shaul (Paul) wrote, the firstfruits of the dead (1 Corinthians 15:20). Yeshua had to be raised FIRST, and, after having preached to the spirits in prison, He then moved paradise on high, where later Shaul (Paul) was caught up and saw unutterable things. The devil, demons, evil and dark powers all roam the earth. So, how bad are those caged in Tartarus, underneath hell?
Of the eleven books I have written, this one is the most evangelistic. It is not a scary read, but a very sobering one. I personally recommend this read and I value your review!  




Those of us in Messiah are under a new covenant, prophesied by Yermiyahu to be given to Israel (Jeremiah 31:31). It came! Under the new covenant all peoples of the world who are believers (regardless of their tribe) are priests (no longer just Levites) and Yeshua is the Cohen haGadol or the Great High Priest. But, how can that be since Yeshua was a Yudahite and Moshe spoke nothing concerning the tribe of Yudah? (Hebrews 7:14). Under the Mosaic Law all priests came from the tribe of Levi? Did Yeshua circumvent His own Law, the Law of God?

Yeshua is indeed the new Great High Priest (read Hebrews 2:17, 3:1, 4:14, etc.), yet of another order -no longer the Levitical order, but of MelKhiZedek. His name means “King of Righteousness,” and according to Psalm 110:4, He lived forever, which is the paramount qualification to be High Priest of His order! Yeshua did not circumvent the Law; He fulfilled it to inaugurate another.

MelKhiZedek is so Gadol (Great) that the author of Hebrews (Shaul, Apollos, Priscilla, or other) wrote, “observe how great he is!” He was a prophet; He appears in messianic prophecy: His name implies He was a King; He was a Righteous King; He was King of Yerushalayim; He was superior to Avraham (who was to bless all the families of the earth); He was superior to the Levites; He was superior to the Levitical priests; He has no beginning of days; He has no end of days, He lives forever; His testimony is that He is priest of a perpetual priesthood; both He and the priesthood live on; He has no genealogy, no father and no mother; His power of life and priesthood is an indestructible life; He is immortal; His priesthood is better than Aaron’s; His law is greater than Moshe; His order will never diminish. 

The author of the NT book of Hebrews makes an unequivocal correlation, a nexus of Yeshua and Malkhitzedeq. There are myriad OT “types” of Yeshua, yet types always fall short of the antitype in the NT. Yet, Malkhitzedeq is exalted everywhere He appears in the Divine Library. In fact, Avraham the patriarch, the father of all Israel, the father of faith tithed to Him. And, Malkhitzedeq received the tithes! Beyond YHWH Avraham recognized no one as his superior, except Malkhitzedeq.Malkhitzedeq was so gadol or great, that Yeshua arose in His image! What? Read Hebrews 7 and 8! Malkhitzedeq appears in history (Genesis 14), in Prophecy (Psalm 110), and in Doctrine (Hebrews 7). 

      The scroll of Hebrews was written to Jews who claimed faith in Yeshua but were defecting [back] to the old covenant rituals and beliefs under the OT law. In the book of Hebrews in every comparison of the [old] Jewish system, Yeshua is said to be “better than;” better than the angels, the tabernacle, sacrifice, etc., but not better than Malkhitzedeq rather of the same order (Hebrews 5:6-7). 

        Ancient Yisrael’s kohenim or priests were inferior since men were taken from men, ordained by men, offered sacrifices for men yet also for themselves, since they too were sinful. The Malkhitzedeqian priesthood was, in every way, SUPERIOR! 

        In the millennial kingdom -not too far in the future- we are NOT going back to the old, antiquated, mosaic covenant and its laws and rituals. Oy Vey! In fact, the author of Hebrews says the old Jewish covenant is obsolete (8:13). It is much too inferior, substandard, low-grade, mediocre, and minion compared to the Malkhitzedeqian priesthood of Yeshua. Also, MalKhiTzedeq was not Jewish! And, in His order we are one new man. Not Jewish! Not Gentile! (Eph.2:14-16). 

            Read more and study MalKhiTzedeq in my book: Crumbs from the Jewish Table

GOD'S INSPIRED CALENDAR IS NOT BEING USED! Are we certain that we are at the end of the year? Are we sure that on January 1, a new year ...