Thursday, April 23, 2020



1. We need to be looking to God for repentance, and not just comfort, health, and strength

2. Events aren’t random and arbitrary. Though they may be concerning and sobering, God is sovereign! God is very active in the
coronavirus crisis. He is using it while monitoring it!

3. In two weeks, the USA, Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Israel and other nations went from caution to hysteria to lockdown.
Governments tilted to full-scale panic! People/citizens followed their panic!

4. Humanity is in the grip of a global pandemic far worse than coronavirus. Fear!

5. Panic and fear ensured because of government overreach; hoarders and profiteers cleared supermarket shelves and loaded their
pantries and closets; everyone exploited the crisis. Did you? Our actions shows our character!

6. The virus exposes ugly truths about ourselves: fear of dying and hoarding to live!

7.The cost is incalculable to our economies, livelihoods, civil liberties, freedoms, social cohesion, mental and physical health. This has
changed society making ready for the strongman (biblical antichrist).

8. The coronavirus has acclimated Europe to much tougher, authoritarian-style government. Soldiers patrol the streets of France, Italy
and Germany. Police drones patrol public areas, target gatherings in Spain, and gathering are under virtual house arrest for not obeying
isolation rules. Restricted civil liberties have become socially acceptable giving autocrats and dictators possible scenarios they have only
dreamed of, curfews, abolition of freedom of assembly, the greatest possible control of public life ever!

9. No leader of any nation has yet to blame the coronavirus on sin!

10. Suffering and death -even of millions- occur on God’s terms!

11. God has numbered the hairs on your head; God is keenly interested in your life. He knows the possibility of your body receiving a
virus. Be wise, but do not be fearful!

12. We are living in satan’s world, he is the “god” of this world according to Holy Scripture (2 Corinthians 4:4) and he is the prince of
the power of the atmosphere (Ephesians 2:2) who hates the people and everything in it and has deceived the world (Galatians 1:4). Join
God! You still can-if your living!

13. God is not talked about, instead doctors, scientists, celebrities projecting scenarios. The USA President has mentioned God on
several occasions, although he refrains as does Vice President, Pence from mentioning Yeshua/Jesus the savior of man.

14. For Christians, coronavirus is a test of our faith and charity. For non-Christians the virus is not a test, but a warning!

15. A good question to ask is, why God allowed the pandemic! God’s allowance of the coronavirus is showing us how selfish,
materialistic, and entertainment driven we are while we are destined for eternity!

16. The coronavirus has changed the world while fulfilling biblical prophecy!

17. The coronavirus warns us that bigger trials are coming!

18. We are not getting out of this alive; death is inevitable for all men. Know the Lord!

19. The foundations we trust, government is exposed as sand. God is the Rock!

20. Society is experiencing a crises of faith. Only God has the solution: His son, Yeshua!

21. The Bible says disease pandemics will get worse. One-third of mankind will perish (Revelation 9:15). Today, that would be 2 billion
people (2 billion is two thousand million). Oy Vey! That is a lot of souls!

22. Messiah Yeshua prophesied that before His return, plagues and viruses called pestilences would be “the beginning of sorrows”
(Matthew 24:8).

23. National borders are closing, soldiers are deployed to the streets, and countries are enacting wartime laws and measures that equip
governments with authoritarian power.

24. God is not distant or detached, He has a personal interest, not so much in this world which He has assigned to destruction, but He is
allowing sin, suffering, diseases, cancers, and viruses upon people to convert and correct us now, that we may be citizens for the next
world He is presently building where no evil or suffering will exist; no devil!

25. The coronavirus is driving Europe to a united superstate; Europeans are questioning their governments; Americans are now
questioning our traditional mainstream parties, Republican and Democratic, myriad wanting a new party, or a [new] strongman (who
favors their lifestyle of course).

26. Quarantine works: 1348-1359 one-third Europe’s population was killed by the bubonic plague, but the Jewish population were
largely unaffected. They quarantined the sick, practiced ritual washings, and avoided unclean meats. They learned from God Who 4,000
years ago gave Israel rules for good hygiene, and protocols to halt contagious diseases. The unclean were quarantined outside Israel’s
camp. The idea was social distancing, indeed! Dung and excrement was double-quarantined outside the camp, and buried. The ancient
Israelites followed God’s hygiene and quarantine laws and were spared many plagues and epidemics that devastated other nations.
Moshe quarantined from Egypt that YHWH could use Him! Yeshua quarantined from Rabbinic Judaism for 40 days so YHWH might
use Him! In fact, quarantine comes from the Italian quaranta giorni (40 days) isolation of passengers on incoming ships. Shaul (Paul)
quarantined often by fasting. Christians are told to quarantine! We are not to handle the unclean, but to separate ourselves from sinful
acts, flee youthful lusts, live holy, and not associate with any brother or sister living in sin. God commands we quarantine our minds
from deceit, covetousness, sexual perversion, sacrilege, etc. Those who refuse quarantine and ignore the warning and coddle sin and
iniquity, will face an eternal quarantine, as the rich man isolated in hell from Avraham and Lazarus.

27. God monitors the world through angels who “walk to and fro through the earth” (Zechariah 6:6,7), each one including the devil and
his dark powers give a regular account to God (Job 1:6-12).

28. Don’t watch the destruction. God told Lot, wife of Lot, daughters of Lot, DO NOT look back upon the destruction of Sodom. Don’t
watch secular media. Monitor your government and their reports by observing Presidential News Conferences and/or Christian Media
(because all news, history, reporting is biased).

29. The coronavirus pandemic shows the colossal genius of satan who is the sinister evil power behind the scenes. To create an entrance
for his strongman who is a counterfeit of the God-man, Yeshua, satan has to create a world arena and platform to welcome him and his
new political ideas and career. The devil has and will continue to use global hysteria to undermine faith in God, obedience to His laws
which are very good for man, rather to incite human will for a fair, stable, prosperous, non-racist, impartial, and earth-wide system of

30. The coronavirus is a pestilence, it was predicted to come; other pestilences are coming as predicted. The most important coming is Yeshua. Let us prepare for His arrival!

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