Modern Judaism is reinvented Judaism; it is not the Judaism of Yeshua! In AD 90 the Jewish rabbis and leaders met at Yavne to ‘fix’ colossal Jewish problems: (1) world Jewry misplaced from the holy land, (2) the destruction of the holy city, Jerusalem by the Romans in AD 70, (3) also, the destruction of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, and therefore, (4) no sacred place for holy sacrifices, and (5) in response to the myriad Jews coming to faith in Yeshua.
Messianic faith in Yeshua was the anticipated outcome of biblical OT Judaism, the authentic Judaism that originated probably with Moshe although some suggest Ezra and the Great Sanhedrin. When Yeshua appeared He clearly expected, He anticipated those of Judaic faith to recognize Him, and myriad Jews did recognize Him, like the Magi, (Jews and/or Arabs in the east descended from those in Babylon taught the scriptures by Daniel and others), the Jewish shepherds, and then the Jewess, Hanna and the Jew, Simeon both who knew Him as an eight-day old infant. Others recognized Yeshua the Messiah when He came for mikva or baptism, like Andrew who ran to tell Kefa his brother, "we have found Him of Whom the scriptures foretell!" Biblical Judaism was a faith that was (and is) not the same as Rabbinic Judaism which developed in and after the Babylonian captivity, and became more fully developed after Yeshua AD 33. Shaul/Paul described Judaism in his day as a ‘former’ lifestyle, not the same lifestyle as those with faith in Messiah, Yeshua. He described Judaism "set against the saints of God," a faith of hate and war against the spiritual seed, Yeshua and His followers, and a faith set against the Word of God. Rabbinic Judaism was and remains a Judaism in concert with ancestral traditions (Galatians 1:13-15) and rabbinic commentary.
Jessie Penn-Lewis in her famous book, “War on the Saints” (I recommend) makes the statement that the test of religious belief is (1) harmony to the whole logos or davar or the Word of God [from Genesis to Revelation], and (2) its attitude toward sin, savior, and the Cross. These two points above are targeted by the powers of darkness who seek to install deception in the minds of men. Deception is the main weapon used by the deceiver. His battle is against Truth. We are indeed in a "Truth War." Here are a few examples: Christian Science does not embrace ‘original’ sin, a need for a savior, or a need for the cross of Yeshua. Spiritism, Theosophy, Confucianism, Buddhism, and Mohammedanism all fail the test, and thus, are deceptions imputed by the powers of darkness. Modern [rabbinic] Judaism also rejects original sin, the need for a God-Savior (that God needs to die for His people) on the tree. Rather, modern [rabbinic] Judaism promotes yetzer hatov and yetzer hara. These are man's two inclinations, his good inclination, yetzer hatov, and our bad inclination, yetzer hara. Each person is said to have these two impulses and we choose between them. Man will obey one or the other of his two inclinations. This is, of course, works or merited salvation, though not considered "salvation" at all, rather man's intent. Rabbinic Judaism promotes man mastering his inclinations in order to be "heavenly" or gods. Modern [Rabbinic] Judaism does not believe in an original deposit of sin in our spirit due to one man, Adam's mistake, nor that man needs a God-sized savior to make a God-sized deposit of a God-oriented righteousness. Today's Judaism does not herald a need for a savior from sin, but rather Israel needs a political savior, a military king to deliver Israel from the goyim or Gentile nations all who are [typically] led by men operating under yetzer hara, bad inclinations which result in antisemitism. The ‘savior’ Judaism anticipates is not a spiritual one, but a Napoleonic king of kings. The expected ‘messiah’ of Judaism would deliver all Israelis from crosses. In fact, the paradox is that the spirit of Rabbinic Judaism betrayed Yeshua and killed Him, while it suggest that its faith and practice is obedience to yetzer hatov, the good inclinations.
How ironic that satan uses “Godward” desires as his opportunity to deceive, and religion is his zenith venue for deception. It was Havva's (Eve’s) Godward desire, "to be like God” that Satan used to deceive her to become like the devil. Godly desire can be a snare unto deception. Consider the myriad religions of the world in man's millennia of existence; think of the myriad "ways" to heaven without regard to Yeshua! Religion is the chief weapon of the prince of darkness.
Satan has deceived myriad Jewish people by the venue of rabbinic Judaism! Sages and rabbis, their writings and their teachings deceive the Jewish people from the truth of the Holy Scriptures. What is more fearful are the myriad "Christians," or, those who say they are believers in Yeshua, who are ignorant of His Holy Scriptures, and who pine after Judaism as though it explains the Bible more exactly. Alternatively, the greatest anti-Semitism is for someone to withhold the truth, that is the doctrines of original sin, total depravity, the need for redemption, the coming of Messiah Yeshua, the Cross [of Calvary], Yeshua as the only way of salvation, and the ministry to the Holy Spirit Who brings the new birth. The Jewish people need these foundational doctrines to guide them to true messianic faith in their brother and messiah, Yeshua!
We must not celebrate modern rabbinic Judaism nor Jewishness nor the nation of Israel as though it is a newfound kingdom of God. Modern Israel and the Jewish people of this world are about to be deceived by the antichrist due to the hate of the enemy, his influence upon the world most who are unbelievers in Yeshua, the lies of Rabbinic Judaism among the Jewish people, and the disregard of Yeshua by the world and the Jewish people. Everyone outside Christendom is about to inherit the Great Tribulation and the great deceiver, the antichrist. We must challenge our Jewish friends toward Yeshua. He is the ONLY way of salvation! Do you believe this? Then, practice what you believe!